Through These Realities

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

In Through These Realities, six Somerville-based photographers of color will create images inspired by original work from six Somerville-based poets of color.

The prompt accompanying the call for poetry will be based on the following James Baldwin quote referring to the media industry:

The industry is compelled, given the way it is built, to present to the American people a self-perpetuating fantasy of American life. It considers that its job is to entertain the American people. Their concept of entertainment is difficult to distinguish from the use of narcotics, and to watch the TV screen for any length of time is to learn some really frightening things about the American sense of reality.

All submissions will undergo a juried process of selection. Once notified of acceptance, chosen photographers will each respond to one poem with creation of a six image series of work.

The project will culminate in an exhibition showcasing the six photographers and six poets. Images will be presented alongside their corresponding poem, and a poetry reading will occur on the opening night of the exhibition.

We will not consider submissions sent via email or post. Only work sent via our submission manager will be reviewed. Photography submissions containing fewer than five photos will not be considered. 

You may choose to submit as a poet or photographer; however, we will not consider submissions made to both calls. 

Guidelines for Poets

  • Blind submissions only, please. Any submission received that includes identifying personal information in the attached document will be temporarily rejected with a request to resubmit blindly. We believe in reading work with integrity and impartiality and blind submissions are beneficial to both the writers and editors
  • Please include only one document in your entry. You may send up to three poems; however, we ask that you submit them as multiple pieces in one document
  • Original poetry, no simultaneous submissions. We do not consider or publish previously published work or mail-in submissions. All poetry should be based in response to the James Baldwin quote above. Published work will be archived online, and after publication all rights will revert back to you
  • We will not consider submissions sent via email or post. Only work sent via our submission manager will be reviewed
  • Submissions are due by 11:59 pm ET on October 1, 2021. All entrants will be notified of the final decision on their work prior to November 1, 2021
  • Please reach out to us at if you have any questions, comments, or trouble navigating the submission manager

Guidelines for Photographers

  • Only one entry per person, please. Five to six photo per entry (e.g. digital, tintype, camera-less, etc.).
  • Images should be presented as a cohesive series of images to show your capacity to create a series for this project.
  • Photos must have been created within the past two years. Files must meet the following specifications:
    - sRGB or Adobe98 color space, 8-bit
    - longest dimension must be 1200 pixels
    - saved as a JPEG at a maximum quality
    - no watermarks, borders, or signatures on your images- save files as: Lastname_Firstname_Title_of_Image.JPG- Example: Avedon_Richard_American_Hero.jpg
  • Submissions are due by 11:59 pm ET on October 1, 2021. All entrants will be notified of the final decision on their work prior to November 1, 2021
  • Please reach out to us at if you have any questions after reading the FAQ, terms of agreement, and submission guidelines
Through These Realities